SpeeDoors > Locks Made > Fast closing for food industry

Fast closing for food industry

Customer:Alival Spa
Address:Via del Porrione - Ponte Buggianese PT


To optimize the workflow by keeping the temperature stable inside the cold rooms and to divide the various production departments by creating circumscribed zones in order to comply with the current regulations in the food sector.


To install fast and easy-to-use closures, both when opening and closing, in order to maintain the temperature inside the departments and comply with the quality standards of the leading dairy company in the Valdinievole area. Equally important is the maintenance of the level of hygiene of the premises, it is therefore necessary that the door retains any factors that could compromise the dairy products.


We proposed the installation of EVO LA VERSATILE. A highly hermetic closure with a structure completely made of aluminum, the best solution for food environments. The chosen cloth guarantees an excellent thermal seal and a high degree of hygienic insulation so as to comply with the high standards of cleanliness of the company.


Thanks to the ease of installation EVO fast doors were installed in just one day, our technicians took care of every technical aspect, from electronics to installation, avoiding any kind of interference with the normal course of work within the company.